Trekking Season in Nepal

Trekking in Nepal can be undertaken throughout the year. There are four seasons for hiking in Nepal. Each season has its distinct attraction to offer. The trekking season in the Himalayas is classified as follows:

Best Time for Hiking in Nepal

AUTUMN (Sept - Nov):

This Autumn is considered the best time for trekking in Nepal, as it offers excellent weather and tantalizing mountain views. Moderate temperatures and a clear sky with outstanding views make it a great time to do any of our treks. Occasional short storms may dump snow at high altitudes. You can choose any adventure trip this Autumn season in the Himalayas, from Trekking to Climbing. Climbing expeditions to the Amadablam Expedition and Manaslu Expedition are best this Autumn.

WINTER (Dec - Feb):

This season is noted for occasional snowfall at higher elevations in the Himalayas. Though it gets colder at night, it often offers a clear day / blue sky and relatively fewer trekkers on the trail. However, we must be selective in winter trekking as climbing and crossing high pass trips will not be ideal. Nepal Treks like Everest Base Camp Trek, Annapurna Panorama Trek, Annapurna Dhaulagiri Trek, Annapurna Sanctuary Trek, Everest Panorama Trek, etc can be done even in winter.

Spring (March-May):

Different varieties of wildflowers, especially the rhododendrons, make the hillside a haunting paradise during this spring season. It is mildly warm at lower and higher elevations; the mountain views are excellent, and the temperature is relatively moderate. Spring is the best time to do the Everest Expedition in the Himalayas. You can select any of more than 100 adventure trekking and climbing trips this season for the adventure of a lifetime.

Summer (Jun-Aug):

The summer season, which runs from June until mid-September, makes travel wet and warm. These times are blessed for the keen botanist as the higher valleys and meadows blossom with flowers and lush vegetation. Trekking in the rain shadow (places that are out of reach of the rain clouds because of the high mountains) in areas north of the Himalayas, like Upper Mustang Trek and Dolpo Trek, could be an ideal trek selection this Summer in the Himalayas.