The Ultimate Guide on Trekking in Nepal

Nepal hiking
Updated on August 20, 2024

Trekking in Nepal - Your Ultimate Guide

Here, we cover various aspects of trekking in Nepal. It provides the ultimate guide for your trip to the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal.

Types of Nepal Treks

Trekking can be divided into three types: camping treks, teahouse treks, and the relatively new homestay trek trend in the Nepal Himalayan kingdom.

Camping Trek:

Camping treks are among the most adventurous, completely sorted out, supportive, and pleasurable treks for trekkers. Although outdoor excursions are not reasonable in every area, they are most appropriate in unbeaten trekking trails.

Tea House Trek:

Tea house trek, otherwise called lodge trekking. It is a generally less expensive method for trekking, where meals and accommodation are provided in a teahouse. The rooms are small with a bed and blanket. Dining Hall for dinner and to chat with fellow trekkers and crew. Most of the hiking and trekking trails in Nepal have tea houses nowadays.

Homestay Trek:

Homestay is an inexpensive hotel-like family-run lodging with small rooms and a typical Nepali room interior. Homestay trek will allow you to stay with the locals in their houses and closely experience their culture, tradition, and lifestyle.

Best Season to Trek in Nepal

Trekking in the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal can be attempted consistently. There are four seasons in Nepal, each with its distinct attractions.

Autumn (September - November)

The Autumn season is considered the best time for Nepal treks, as it offers a refreshing climate and tempting mountain views. Moderate temperatures, a clear sky, and exceptional scenery make it an extraordinary time to do any trek. However, periodic short storms may dump snow at high elevations.

Winter (December - February)

Winter is noted for occasional snowfall at higher altitudes in the Himalayas. Even though it gets colder at night, it often offers a sunny morning/blue sky and moderately fewer trekkers on the trail. Picking a trekking package in the winter should be done wisely, as climbing and crossing high passes trips will not be a perfect alternative. Nevertheless, trek-like Everest Base Camp, Annapurna Panorama, Annapurna Dhaulagiri, Annapurna Sanctuary, Short Everest Treks, and so forth should be possible even in winter.

Spring (March-May)

Spring presents distinctive variations of wild blooms, especially the rhododendrons that make the slopes heaven during this season. It is moderately warm at lower and higher elevations; the mountain views are magnificent, and the temperature is mild.

Summer/Monsoon (June-August)

Mid-year, from June to mid-September, makes travel wet and warm. These occasions are blessed for the keen botanist as the higher valleys and meadows bloom with blossoms and lush vegetation. Trekking in the rain shadow (places are far from the rain because of the high mountains) territories north of the Himalayas, like Upper Mustang and Dolpo, could be a perfect trek determination.

You can do most of the Nepal treks, such as Everest Base Camp or Annapurna Sanctuary, in Autumn, Spring, and Winter, though the Upper Mustang trek is excellent even in Summer/Monsoon as it will not rain much.

Trek Preparation


Treks can differ in distance, ascent, descent, and elevation. However, all require specific planning to guarantee you get most of your trekking trip. Without no less than a little pre-trip preparation, training, or a basic level of fitness, trekking will be diligent work. Trial begins before you even travel for your trekking holidays in Nepal; the fitter you are, the more you will enjoy it. Take as much time as is needed to choose your equipment and check our clothing and equipment guide.


Meet your trekking guide before the trek and become acquainted; crucially, you can ask the guide about their experience, several years in service, and any inquiries about your trek. How we get things done in Nepal is your trekking guide will meet you at your hotel, offer tea, espresso, or a cold drink, and you take a seat to talk about the following:

Gear Selection

Our guide will check whether you have the proper clothing, footwear, and hardware for your trek. Parkas, sleeping bags, and trekking boots are absolute necessities. Also, guarantee you have shades, caps, lip balm, a drinking water bottle, sun cream, and personalized medicine. You can find different good-quality gear brands in Nepal; therefore, you do not have to bring your gear from home. Yet, if you want, you can get it!

Health and Safety

Preparation for avoiding potential risks if affliction or high elevation manifestations appear: Generally, your guides have been prepared for all the risks that may occur during the trek, and they know the significance of your well-being and security. Your guide will have a day-by-day discussion with you about your condition. An emergency treatment pack is always with your focus. In addition, you will be approached to impart any restorative issues to your guide. To be on the safe side of adventure treks in Nepal, choose your tour company with medically trained guides, medical kits, and enough trek crew support in bad weather conditions, or change any trekking itinerary. If you are doing a high-altitude trek and peak climbing trip in Nepal, a supplementary oxygen cylinder with a trained and experienced guide is necessary for a safe adventure in the high Himalayas.

Travel Documentation

Some documents required before traveling to Nepal:

  • Visa
  • Passport
  • Few passport-sized photos
  • Insurance papers, depending on the agency and where you will be traveling to
  • Proof of any payments you have made to the company you are traveling with

Top 7 Trekking Destinations in Nepal

Nepal is renowned for being the best trekking destination. The landscape of the Nepalese Himalayas offers several surprising trekking trails. To name one of Nepal best treks is pretty out of line.

However, these seven regions are our top destinations to go on adventure treks:


Trekking in the Everest region is the best alternative for those hoping to savor tremendous close-up views of the world most noteworthy mountains. In addition, trekking in this region allows you to explore the Sherpa towns and their ways of life, traditions, and culture. This is a standout amongst the best trekking destinations in Nepal and offers an exotic Himalayan experience.

During the trek in this region, you will experience a brilliant stroll on the impressions of unbelievable mountain dwellers. In transit, you go through excellent High Passes and the thundering Dudh Koshi River. Alongside the famous Namche Bazaar, peaceful Imja Tse Valley, and numerous ancient Buddhist Monasteries on the trail. The world top adventure journey to Everest Base Camp Trek and Island Peak Climbing, the most popular trekking peaks climb in this Everest region.


The Annapurna region is another popular place to trek in Nepal. Like the Everest region, Annapurna offers several trekking trails and packages. Trekking in this region also gives astounding views of the Annapurna Ranges, Macchapucchre, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Langtang Himal.

The trek offers excellent social and natural excellence. Along the trail, you go through pleasant villages and the world's most profound crevasse. From the wilderness to the high snow-capped, rich valley and up to parched pinnacles, a journey in this region will surely leave your mind and soul with ultimate satisfaction. Annapurna Sanctuary Trek and Annapurna Circuit Trek are the two popular hiking routes in the area.


Trekking in the Manaslu region displays astonishing scenes of the tops of the Nepal-Tibet outskirt. The trail circumvents the dazzling Mount Manaslu, the eighth-most elevated mountain on the planet. You come to the most noteworthy pass in this region, Larkya Pass. The area includes antiquated Hindu and Tibetan-style villages.

Manaslu trekking has assorted, remote, segregated, and enhanced geology. It offers a breathtaking landscape for those searching for an audacious voyage. No big surprise, the trails of Manaslu are among the best in Nepal. The 16-day Manaslu Trek is the perfect choice to complete the entire journey in the Manaslu region.


The Langtang trek is well known for its varied vegetation and refined villages. The walk offers a unique vantage point of Langtang Ri and views of the Annapurna Range and Makalu. Despite its proximity to Kathmandu, the region is as wild as some other Tibetan good countries. It encompasses a quiet country scene.

The region offers an introduction to the one-of-a-kind Tamang culture and an opportunity to stroll past the delightful icy masses at a shallow elevation. The trek is a perfect alternative for the one. If you wish to experience the rich Tamang culture, beautiful scenes, and vegetation, then this is the region you should go on a trek.Langtang Trek to Langtang Gosainkunda Trek are less trodden routes in Langtang region.

Upper Dolpo

Upper Dolpo is a shrouded diamond of Nepal with its Tibetan-style towns, shocking desolate scenes, and beautiful mountain tops. The region holds a centuries-old culture immaculate by the advanced world. The trail requires the intersection of the three high passes: Magdalo La (5,350 m), Shey La (5,000 m), and Jeng La (5,110 m). It includes long trips and strenuous plunges. Trekking in this area is exceptionally challenging yet satisfying. Upper Dolpo Trek is the less trodden and restricted region trek.


Kanchenjunga offers you a chance to experience the irresistible beauty, way of life, and everyday excellence of eastern Nepal. The region includes the second-largest mountain, Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,586 m).

The journey happens in the wild high-mountain landscape, deep into the disconnected mountains extending on Nepal fringe with Sikkim and Tibet. Moreover, the region is home to some of Asia most extraordinary natural life. Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek covers the entire area.

Upper Mustang

Upper Mustang is a socially and geopolitically temperate region that was not open for trekking until 1992. The way of life and scenes in the area are similar to those in Tibet. Because of its separation from the world, the locale can keep up its hundreds of years-old culture and background.

The sixteenth-century Buddhist religious communities and the caverns cut into sheer precipice dividers in the colt attract numerous trekkers to the region. Mustang is the shrouded heaven in Nepal, holed up behind the tremendous Himalayan peaks. You can do the Upper Mustang Trek or Mustang Jeep Trip.

Things you should know before Nepal Adventure.

Trekking in Nepal is moderate as most treks take the way local people do in everyday travel. The general people you will meet during the hike are humble and kindly offer you help. Nepal is a diverse nation, so depending upon where you are going, you may need to make a few arrangements and changes to your gear and preparation.

So, here are a few things you should know before going on a trek in Nepal:

Local Operator

Traveling with local operators will make your trip easy, safe, and fruitful. All the arrangements are made before your arrival so that you can enjoy every second of your journey. What could be better than this?

If you want to trek alone, it would be a limitation for you to enter many regions as you have to get special permission from the government of Nepal. There are many restricted regions, which, according to the Nepal government, you have to go with a local operator and guide; otherwise, you will not be allowed to enter.

It is always wise to take a guide with you while trekking. They are more experienced, plan the excursion appropriately, and are familiar with the local language, traditions, and conventions. For novices, it is profoundly advised to take a guide with you.

Permit and Fee

Most of the trekking regions in Nepal are under a specific conservation project or a restricted area that requires a permit to enter. It also does not matter whether you are independent or trekking through a travel agency. You must show these permits at the entrance, exit, and during the route; therefore, always carry a photocopy of your passport and your permits.

For permits, you might need two or more passport-sized photos and a photocopy of your passport. If you are trekking with an agency, they will manage your permits.

Along with the regional permits, one must obtain a Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) card before entering the trekking area. It costs Rs. 2000 per person. A blue TIMS card can be taken as a group for Rs.2000 per person. You can get a TIMS card from the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) office or the Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) office.

Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS)

AMS or altitude sickness occurs in high elevations when the body is not appropriately adjusted to the lower oxygen levels. The ailment is deadly in its higher stages and should be handled appropriately. However, if you are trekking consistently and short rises (about 400m per day), remain hydrated and warm, eat a sound eating routine, and get legitimate rest and rest, AMS should be no issue.

Prescriptions like Diamox rapidly prepare the body for higher heights; however, they have some reactions. Once you get AMS, it is best to drop to a lower elevation, drink lots of water, and rest. Include enough acclimatization days according to your trip altitude to avoid AMS. As a safety back carry or trek with a reputed tour company that takes supplementary Oxygen while on high-altitude treks in Nepal.

Food and Accommodation on Trek


The Nepali food menu is surprisingly extensive. You can choose from local, national, and international cuisines. You must try Dal Bhat Tarkari, a staple Nepalese food. It is filling and rich in carbohydrates. You can easily find small tea shops along your trail that will probably sell cookies, bread, bars, canned juice, tea, coffee, and other snack items.


During the trek, you will find a lodge, teahouse, or homestay unless you trek in a highly isolated region with no human habitat and must stay in a camp. Lodges/guest house offers simple, tidy little rooms with twin beds, pillows, quilts, and blankets. Ask for a blanket if it is not already in the room.

If you travel in a group, you will find dorm rooms that can fit 5-6 sleepers. The lodges walls are thin, and sounds are carried. Therefore, if you are a light sleeper, you should bring earplugs. As the elevation gets higher, accommodation becomes more essential. It also gets colder, and the blanket provided will not be enough to keep you warm, so bring a Sleeping bag and add the blanket over it.

First Aid / Safety on Trek

Staying well hydrated and eating foods high in carbohydrates help prevent the risks of AMS. Medicine like Diamox eases the effects of altitude as well. It would help if you remembered that these precautions could be taken. For example, taking Diamox can help lessen AMS symptoms. But it will not stop AMS.

Who can trek in Nepal?

There are no administrative limitations as far as possible for adventure hiking in Nepal; on the off chance that children younger than eight years of age and grown-ups over 70 years of age, you are requested to add a porter with a custom itinerary for an easy and safe journey.

The diverse topography of Nepal has provided enough options for differently abled people. Moreover, there are many trails that one can follow to enjoy the captivating views and alluring natural beauty of this Himalayan nation.

How can we trek?

There are several ways to trek in Nepal. You can either trek in a group, alone, or with a local trek operator. Trekking in a group will allow you to be safer while exploring the area and make the journey more accessible and joyful.

However, if you like to trek alone, that is no problem; Nepal is a perfect option. Besides hundreds of breathtaking trails, people here are incredibly kind and humble. They will always help you with whatever you want, even though security is vital if you plan to trek alone in Nepal without a guide. If you do the trek alone, you must have a curated itinerary and safety backup.

Going with a local trek operator is always the best, safest, and hassle-free option, as preparations are made beforehand. Moreover, in the restricted regions, trekking in Nepal must be done with a guide and local trek operator.

Things to do while trekking

Nepal is the ultimate destination on Earth for trekking, mountaineering, whitewater boating, natural life safari, and a wide range of outdoor activities because of its outrageous high Himalayan extents and brilliant biodiversity. To a great degree, it isn't easy to reach by street, joined with the well-worn foot tracks created between villages over hundreds of years, making trekking in Nepal an ideal approach to getting close to the Himalayas.

The most remunerating approach to encountering Nepal typical and world-marked attractions is to stroll through the length, broadness, and elevations of the nation with an exceptionally beneficial experience. Mt. Everest, Annapurna, Kanchenjunga, Langtang, and so on are the glorious piles of Nepal. Nevertheless, a few spots of Nepal have yet to stay untainted or untamed, brimming with wild environmental and social-historical centers.

While trekking in Nepal, one can make a few choices: cannoning, kayaking, paragliding, mountain biking, peak ascending and mountaineering, mountain flight, cultural tour, city tour, jungle safari, cooking Nepali dishes, learning the famous Thangka painting, tasting world-class Himalayan tea and coffee, and more. Moreover, many people visit Nepal to grow their psyche and soul with ancient yoga and meditation.

Trekking Equipment

What trekking equipment to pack depends on when and where you are trekking. It would be best to consider whether it is a teahouse or camp trekking.

You can do most of the treks in Nepal, such as a teahouse trek. You will find numerous tea houses and lodges en route to the trekking trails. Packing the right gear is essential for a satisfying trip. Shortage of necessities can result in anything from exhaustion to illness/injury. So, make sure to bring the following:

  • Hiking Boots (lightweight and perfect fitting)
  • Pair of sandals and casual shoes
  • Pair of Thick and thin socks
  • Crampons (not necessary unless you are trekking in winter on high passes)
  • Pair of thick gloves
  • Basics (T-shirts, pants, trousers, underwear)
  • Thermal wears
  • Down jacket/wind-resistant jacket
  • Sleeping bag
  • Woolen hat
  • Torchlight/headlight
  • Sunglass/sunscreen/moisturizer/lip balms
  • Small first aid kit
  • Trekking pole/map
  • Toiletries (wipes, hand sanitizer, towel, sanitary pads, panty liners, toothbrush, toothpaste, toilet paper, paper soap)
  • Camera/charger/extra batteries/extra CF cards
  • Snacks/bars
  • Journal/pen

Most importantly, what can you do as a Trekker?

Your role and requirements for trip arrangements play a significant role in sustainable and responsible tourism in the Himalayas. Thus, being an accountable trekker is one thing every trekker can do to positively impact adventure tourism in Nepal. Here is how you can play a role in bringing a positive impact on adventure trekking in Nepal

  • Ensure you do not leave any trace on the trekking route with the policy Leave no Trace only Footprints.
  • Make sure to choose a tour company with a responsible policy on carrying a load of fewer than 20 Kilos while on a high-altitude route in Nepal. A trekker: A porter could be ideal to ensure your porter weight is less. This also creates jobs for many more locals. Your One Question and Responsibility can positively impact the trek porter life and life span. And, of course, you do not have to see the devastating image of a porter carrying 2 or 3 trek duffle bags on such a high terrane to make your travel safe and great.
  • Choose the local and responsible trekking company to help the local economy where you travel.


Trekking in Nepal is the most prevalent activity. The voyagers will have numerous options in Kathmandu and Pokhara, with aides, sorted-out visits, and available apparatus to purchase or lease. While you could go through a year arranging and undertaking wild and grand places that few would set out to endeavor, you could likewise land in Kathmandu without any plans and be on the trail in merely days.

Despite what many may see, trekking in Nepal is not meandering alone through an unfamiliar wild. The consistently dispersed villages and teahouses allow trekkers to rest and recuperate for a few minutes or the night. The Nepalese diverse culture and genuine benevolence can likewise be seen as one crosses the meandering tracks. Thus, the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal offers plenty of options for a lifetime adventure trekking to climbing experience. Mountain Monarch is here to customize a curated and responsible adventure trip in Nepal.

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Chairman of Mountain Monarch, Adventure Trip Leader, and organiser for over two decades